Imagine having all of your clients in one place, at one time in a casual setting or attending a seminar to hear you speak on the benefits of using you, and your products and services? Now imagine the ability to repeat that multiple times throughout the year around the country in small, medium and large settings. Finally imagine this networking results in increases in the tenfold for you and your business. This is the potential that comes with being an MDNA Premier Vendor.

The MDNA Premier Vendor program is an exclusive membership within the Machinery Dealers National Association, an association of over 300 machinery dealers and industrial auctioneers, around the country and internationally who buy and Sell New & Used Metalworking and Capital Machinery & Equipment. These companies are typically your most sought after suppliers of machinery and equipment whom as a vendor, you may have had a difficult time breaking through the barriers to get your message across to. Adversely, the Machinery Dealer, who is often inundated with offers and solicitations for products and services, they have often become ‘tone deaf’ to your message. This is exactly why the premier vendorship program was created to grant quality, trusted vendors select access to Machinery Dealers. Join
"The Premier Vendor Program really allows us to get in front of and work directly with our key customers who move freight daily. It has been a great boost to our business." - Phil Dalrymple, Northwest Shippers Inc.

If your business provides supplies or services for machine tool distribution, repair and sales companies you are likely a great candidate for the Premier Vendor Category of membership in the MDNA. Membership best suited for companies that deal daily in the activities of industrial manufacturers and equipment suppliers. They can be, but are not limited to, the industries of: Commercial Finance, Insurance, Marketing (Including Web/Design), Trucking/Freight, Industrial Component Suppliers, Machinery Repair/Service, Rigging/Machinery Moving and so many more categories.
"We really didn’t understand how powerful this relationship was until we started participating, sponsoring and attending events. I can’t tell you how many more deals we got out of MDNA Members because of this relationship."- Casey Goodell, Financial Partners Group

Being a Premier Vendor is a valuable asset to presenting your products or services directly to your target buyers in many informal and casual settings. The results can be so dramatic, in fact, that you will see returns of your invested annual dues well beyond in the tenfold range. Premier Vendorship allows you to get front & center with your target audience in formal and casual settings across the country in local chapter level meetings and nationally at events such as our annual convention and many more events. MDNA Premier Vendor benefits include:
● 30%off exhibit cost at convention (a typical table costs $1,500.00 so the savings would be $450.00)
● Listing in the MDNA website back office (box with label as Premier Vendor that would go to a list of the vendors and links to their websites)
● Listing in the Electronic Buyer’s Guide Premier Vendors would be allowed to purchase display ads in the Electronic Buyer’s Guide
● Allowed to attend, host & sponsor chapter meetings
● Allowed to attend convention as a paid attendee (not annual meetings)
● Can rent the MDNA member list 2x per year at a discounted rate of 25% off of nonmember rate
● New Premier Vendor introduction in MDNA Biweekly Eblast
● 10%discount for Locator and Locator Online Display Advertising
● Half price advertising for first month in Locator and Locator Online advertising
● Welcome to attend & Sponsor AMEA events
● 30%off exhibit cost at convention (a typical table costs $1,500.00 so the savings would be $450.00)
● Listing in the MDNA website back office (box with label as Premier Vendor that would go to a list of the vendors and links to their websites)
● Listing in the Electronic Buyer’s Guide Premier Vendors would be allowed to purchase display ads in the Electronic Buyer’s Guide
● Allowed to attend, host & sponsor chapter meetings
● Allowed to attend convention as a paid attendee (not annual meetings)
● Can rent the MDNA member list 2x per year at a discounted rate of 25% off of nonmember rate
● New Premier Vendor introduction in MDNA Biweekly Eblast
● 10%discount for Locator and Locator Online Display Advertising
● Half price advertising for first month in Locator and Locator Online advertising
● Welcome to attend & Sponsor AMEA events

1) Participate: As with any membership of value, participate, show up, sponsor and then do it again. It may take a little time to “break the ice” to get your message across but your message is falling on receptive years eager to learn more about what makes you different and better than your competitors.
2) Onboard: Review your on boarding packet sent to you from our national Headquarters watch the onboarding video explaining in detail how to wring the most out of this relationship and attend any live or in person onboarding events possible. We as MDNA members want you to know how to get the most out of your membership and support our members effectively with your products or services.
3) Attend: Attend in person and virtual sessions, where applicable to better engage and understand our & your industry.
SUMMARY The Premiere Vendor Program of the MDNA was designed to provide a vetting process to ensure our membership is getting only the highest quality vendors to provide their products and services for membership. If selected, you are recommended by members that have had a good working relationship with you and are vetted by a team of seasoned industry experienced specialists who know what to look out for. The Power of a Premier Vendorship goes miles beyond the cold calls and marketing emails. Simply put; Premier Gets Results, Premier Gets Business Done.
2) Onboard: Review your on boarding packet sent to you from our national Headquarters watch the onboarding video explaining in detail how to wring the most out of this relationship and attend any live or in person onboarding events possible. We as MDNA members want you to know how to get the most out of your membership and support our members effectively with your products or services.
3) Attend: Attend in person and virtual sessions, where applicable to better engage and understand our & your industry.
SUMMARY The Premiere Vendor Program of the MDNA was designed to provide a vetting process to ensure our membership is getting only the highest quality vendors to provide their products and services for membership. If selected, you are recommended by members that have had a good working relationship with you and are vetted by a team of seasoned industry experienced specialists who know what to look out for. The Power of a Premier Vendorship goes miles beyond the cold calls and marketing emails. Simply put; Premier Gets Results, Premier Gets Business Done.